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ONNX Runtime
This is the complete list of members for Ort::SessionOptions, including all inherited members.
Add(OrtCustomOpDomain *custom_op_domain) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AddConfigEntry(const char *config_key, const char *config_value) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AddExternalInitializers(const std::vector< std::string > &names, const std::vector< Value > &ort_values) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AddInitializer(const char *name, const OrtValue *ort_val) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider(const std::string &provider_name, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &provider_options={}) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_CANN(const OrtCANNProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(const OrtCUDAProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2(const OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2 &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_Dnnl(const OrtDnnlProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX(const OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO(const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_ROCM(const OrtROCMProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT_V2(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2 &provider_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
B typedef (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
Base()=default | Ort::detail::Base< T > | |
Base(contained_type *p) noexcept | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inlineexplicit |
Base(const Base &)=delete | Ort::detail::Base< T > | |
Base(Base &&v) noexcept | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inline |
Clone() const (defined in Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
contained_type typedef | Ort::detail::Base< T > | |
DisableCpuMemArena() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
DisableMemPattern() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
DisablePerSessionThreads() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
DisableProfiling() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
EnableCpuMemArena() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
EnableMemPattern() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
EnableOrtCustomOps() (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
EnableProfiling(const char *profile_file_prefix) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
GetConfigEntry(const char *config_key) const (defined in Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
GetConfigEntryOrDefault(const char *config_key, const std::string &def) (defined in Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
GetConst() const | Ort::SessionOptions | inline |
GetUnowned() const | Ort::SessionOptions | inline |
HasConfigEntry(const char *config_key) const (defined in Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::ConstSessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
operator contained_type *() const noexcept | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inline |
operator=(const Base &)=delete | Ort::detail::Base< T > | |
operator=(Base &&v) noexcept | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inline |
p_ | Ort::detail::Base< T > | protected |
RegisterCustomOpsLibrary(const char *library_name, const CustomOpConfigs &custom_op_configs={}) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
RegisterCustomOpsUsingFunction(const char *function_name) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
release() | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inline |
SessionOptions(std::nullptr_t) | Ort::SessionOptions | inlineexplicit |
SessionOptions() | Ort::SessionOptions | |
SessionOptions(OrtSessionOptions *p) | Ort::SessionOptions | inlineexplicit |
SetCustomCreateThreadFn(OrtCustomCreateThreadFn ort_custom_create_thread_fn) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetCustomJoinThreadFn(OrtCustomJoinThreadFn ort_custom_join_thread_fn) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetCustomThreadCreationOptions(void *ort_custom_thread_creation_options) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetExecutionMode(ExecutionMode execution_mode) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetInterOpNumThreads(int inter_op_num_threads) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetIntraOpNumThreads(int intra_op_num_threads) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetLogId(const char *logid) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetLogSeverityLevel(int level) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
SetOptimizedModelFilePath(const char *optimized_model_file) (defined in Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T >) | Ort::detail::SessionOptionsImpl< T > | |
~Base() | Ort::detail::Base< T > | inline |